Why is it called ‘Trickcyclists’?
Do you get money for this site?
Why is it free?
- Knowledge has zero transaction value.
- See number one. That’s it.
Do you have any connection with the Royal College of Psychiatrists?
What experience do you have with OSCEs?
Are the answers/ marking sheets those used by the Royal College?
The format used on the site is closer to that used by North American colleges. It is truly objective in the sense that if you perform a specific task, you get a mark (or two). It is possible to calculate the pass mark for each station, as well as the overall pass mark for the OSCE exam.
How is the OSCE exam marked?
The shift in assessment in recent years has been towards ‘criterion-based’ assessment (CBA) where candidates are marked according to whether they meet specific criteria which have been agreed beforehand. You can get an overview of the differences between the two at this page at the University of Toronto. This is arguably a much fairer way of determining the skills of the candidates. You could score 95% on the exam under NBA and still fail if 80% of people get 98%. The College really have to sort this out, in my humble opinion.
Examiners have intimated that the Royal College is looking into how the OSCEs are marked, and to be fair, they are endeavouring to introduce a new format to the exam system. Hopefully, in a few years time all of these teething problems and inconsistencies will have been resolved.